Nasz bestseller
- delikatna kawa Świeżo palona wysoki gatunek Arabica
Klasa ziarna A+
Wysokość upraw 1200-1900 m n.p.m.
Metoda obróbki myta/ washed
Stopień palenia średni, ciemny/ medium, dark
Wyczuwalne nuty

AMERICANO Roasted Coffee
Americano is a proposition of Green Roastery for people who fancy a tasty espresso, but the real thing is too strong for them. Americano is nothing but an extended espresso, that is, one with the addition of hot water, or more precisely, a coffee that consists of the same amount of espresso as water.
Our Americano coffee is a blend prepared from the finest Arabicas and an organic grade of Robusta.

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