MEXICO Kawa Palona
- MEXICO | kawa z charakterem
Noticeable notes SHB
Altitude 1400-1600 m n.p.m.
Processing method washed
Roasted medium
Noticeable notes
MEXICO Roasted Coffee
Mexico is the world's tenth largest coffee producer. Despite the fact that agriculture accounts for only about 5% of total GDP, the country produces an average of 4-5 million bags of coffee (60 kg/bag) each year.
Mexican coffee is grown in the shade, usually under banana trees or the tops of tall pine trees.
The element that shapes the flavor profile of the coffee is the rich, volcanic soil that contains many minerals. MEXICO coffee is characterized by a full-bodied, chocolaty aroma, standing out in the foreground, and flavors of cashew nuts and yellow bell pepper.
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